Health Professions Education Research
The Education Research Team conducts, develops and applies findings from contemporary empirical research to aid policy advancement and meet various stakeholder goals across the NHG ecosystem. Taking a mixed-methods, multidisciplinary approach, our team collaborates with faculty, staff, and clinical teams across NHG to provide research support as well as the best evidence-based pedagogical and organisational interventions for patients, their families, and our care practitioners. Research areas include (but are not limited to) studies concerning curriculum, assessments, workplace-based learning, and learner and faculty experience. Please contact [email protected] for health professions education research and collaboration opportunities.
Themes of Interest for HPE research
The themes of interest for the research projects are outlined below:
1. HuMe-AINE: The Development of the Professional for Tomorrow’s Healthcare in these areas:
1. HuMe-AINE: The Development of the Professional...
Humanistic Medicine (HuMe)
Examples of areas we are interested in (but not limited to): Training/interventions for HCPs in ethics, support and care of the elderly and vulnerable, palliative care, teamwork, communication, development of adaptive expertise for areas involving humanistic aspects of healthcare. Using AI as a teaching and learning tool for HCPs and learners (AINE: AI-eNabled Education)
Examples of areas we are interested in (but not limited to): Using AI-enabled simulation for individualised learning needs, to accelerate and enrich the learning process.
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2. Wellness for Our Staff and Our Learners
2. Wellness for Our Staff and Our Learners
Examples of areas we are interested in (but not limited to): What constitutes wellness and wellbeing, interventions for wellbeing and building resilience.
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*The above examples are the focus areas of Group Education Research (but not limited to). Please contact [email protected] for health professions education research and collaboration opportunities.
Education Research Seminar Series
Humanity at the Heart of Healthcare
This seminar series considers the mobilisation of the arts, humanities, and social sciences in addressing pertinent issues within the healthcare ecosystem and the larger medical narrative. If you are interested to join our mailing list, please send us an email at
[email protected].
If you are interested to attend the webinar, please scan the QR code in the edm to register.

To view recordings of the past webinar, please visit our YouTube channel.
Sponsorship for Health Professions Education Journal Publications
Group Education Research's sponsorship for education-related journal publications aims to provide support for our eligible NHG faculty/staff. The sponsorship covers the open access charges incurred by the authors, allowing research information to be freely available for all.
NHG faculty / staff are encouraged to apply if their publication fulfils the following criteria:
- The standing of the journal. The manuscript must be published in a peer-reviewed journal of good standing.
- Alignment with NHG Group Education Research priorities (above).
For more information on the publication sponsorship policy for NHG faculty/ staff, and additional sponsorship criteria, please click here (only accessible via the NHG intranet).
Education Research Themed Grant
The Education Research Themed Grant is a yearly fund that encourages Graduate Medical Education (GME) and Pre-Professional Education (PPE) faculty in NHG to undertake health professions education research projects aligned with our Education research themes. These projects help to strengthen and synergise current education research in NHG Group Education research priorities (above).
To find out more about the Education Research Themed Grant, please click here. Click here to apply. (only accessible via the NHG intranet)
FY24 Awardees

A/Prof Wong Teck Yee, Senior Consultant, Family Physician, (Continuing & Community Care), Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Title of Research: NHG Clinician-Educators’ Perceptions and Attitudes towards AI’s Potential Impact on their Roles as Clinical Educators and Readiness to Integrate AI into their Educational Activities and Teaching Methodologies: a Mixed Methods Study

A/Prof Yip Chee Chew, Senior Consultant (Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences), Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Title of Research: 1. Investigating Mental-Rehearsal’s Applicability in Guiding Independent E-learning (IMAGINE) Study - for Oculo-Motor Examination Skills in Physiotherapy 2. Nursing Students’ Insights on Learning an Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) through a Novel Training Blueprint, Designed using Four-Component-Instructional-Design (4C/ID)

Dr Raphael Lee, Consultant (Palliative & Supportive Care), Woodlands Health
Title of Research: Harnessing Popular Culture in Palliative Care Education – Using a Drama Series to Reflect on Spirituality of the Older Adult

Dr Raymond Ng, Head & Senior Consultant (Palliative & Supportive Care), Woodlands Health
Title of Research: Feasibility, Acceptability and Effectiveness of Gaming Simulation Education in Teaching Doctors and Nurses Generalist Palliative Care Knowledge and Skills

Dr Vaikunthan Rajaratnam, Senior Consultant (Orthopaedic Surgery), Yishun Health
Title of Research: A Mixed-Methods Study on the Impact of Generative AI Workshops on Healthcare Professionals’ Clinical Practice, Teaching, and Research

Dr Benson Yeo, Consultant (Medical), National Skin Centre
Title of Research: Exploring the Healthcare Experiences of the Local Transgender Community
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