Awards and AccoladesOver the years, our educators, residents and colleagues have demonstrated their commitment towards health professions education. Their dedication has won them recognition and commendation both within NHG, nationally and internationally. Congratulations to all who have received these awards.
National Healthcare Group Awards
NHG Teaching Excellence Awards
NHG Teaching Excellence Awards
The NHG Teaching Excellence Award logo was launched at the 2021 NHG Teachers' Day celebrations by NHG Group Chief Education Officer, Associate Professor Michelle Jong, to recognise NHG educators for their commitment to educating and nurturing the current and future healthcare workforce.
Taking the form of a tree, the logo is designed to best exemplify NHG's teaching culture and our educators; with the trunk representing the educators who serve as a strong pillar of support to their learners and colleagues during their learning journey, and the heart-shaped leaves symbolising the caring, nurturing and compassionate spirit of our educators. NHG Teaching Excellence Awards honour clinical educators from various healthcare professions for their dedication and efforts in training and educating students, learners and junior staff within NHG, across 11 award categories: -
NHG Education Leaders Award - This pinnacle award recognises outstanding NHG clinicians for their significant contributions to health professions education. Education Leaders play a vital role in improving the quality of patient care through influencing and shaping the administration of education strategic planning.
NHG Inter-professional Teaching Award – The award recognises outstanding NHG clinicians who are involved in teaching students and/or staff from different healthcare professional groups.
NHG Outstanding Education Partners Award – The award recognises outstanding non-NHG staff who contribute to education work in NHG institutions.
NHG Teaching Award for Allied Health Educators – The award recognises outstanding Allied Health Professionals who are involved in teaching students, new recruits, and/or junior staff.
NHG Teaching Award for Allied Health Senior Educators – The award recognises outstanding senior allied health professionals who are involved in teaching students, new recruits, and/or junior staff.
NHG Teaching Award for Junior Doctors – The award recognises outstanding medical residents (PGY2 & above), medical officers, family physicians, resident physicians and registrars who are involved in teaching students, new recruits and/or junior staff.
NHG Teaching Award for Senior Doctors – The award recognises outstanding senior physicians who are involved in teaching students, new recruits, and/or junior staff.
NHG Outstanding Nurse Teachers Award – The award recognises outstanding nurses with designated education role(s) such as clinical Instructors, ward-based clinical instructors, and nurse educators, for their teaching efforts.
NHG Teaching Award for Nursing Preceptors – The award recognises outstanding nurses without designated education role(s) such as nurse clinicians, advanced practice nurses, and ward nurses, for their teaching efforts.
NHG Teaching Award for Pharmacy Preceptors – The award recognises outstanding pharmacy preceptors (including site preceptors) who teaches trainees, students, healthcare professionals, and other staff members.
NHG Teaching Award for Pharmacy Senior Preceptors – The award recognises outstanding senior pharmacists (including site preceptors) who teaches trainees, students, healthcare professionals, and other staff members.
- NHG Teaching Award for Clinical Support Staff – The award recognises support staff e.g. healthcare assistants, pharmacy technicians, therapy assistants, etc., who are involved in the professional and clinical development of students and staff.
- [New – introduced in 2024] NHG Star Award for Junior Education Administrators - The award recognises junior education administrators who demonstrate outstanding administrative excellence that aids in the delivery of quaity clinical education in NHG, and the advancement of the education mission.
- [New – introduced in 2024] NHG Star Award for Senior Education Administrators - The award recognises senior education administrators who demonstrate outstanding administrative excellence that aids in the delivery of quality clinical education in NHG, and the advancement of the education mission.
Award Recipients:
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NHG Awards
NHG Awards
The NHG Awards recognises individuals for their outstanding contributions to patient care, clinical practice, training, education, and research in public healthcare. The National Healthcare Group (NHG) Awards recognises the dedicated healthcare professionals across NHG who go the extra mile. The annual NHG Awards started in 2001 with the inaugural Lee Foundation-NHG Lifetime Achievement Award. New categories for NHG Distinguished Contributor Award and NHG Outstanding Citizenship Award were added in 2005, with a third category for NHG Distinguished Achievement Award included in 2007.
2022- Associate Professor Sim Kang - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
- Assistant Professor Wong Chen Seong - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
- Mr Li Kaihui Benny - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
- Mr Chong Chun Meng - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
- Associate Professor Chua Sze Hon - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
- Ms Ng Poh Ling Yvonne - NHG Outstanding Citizenship (OC) Award
- Dr How Kwang Yeong - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
- Mr Tan Chee Shiong Edwin - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
2020- Associate Professor Tham Kum Ying - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
2019- Professor Pang Weng Sun - Lee Foundation – NHG Lifetime Achievement (LA) Award
- Professor Lim Tock Han - NHG Distinguished Achievement (DA) Award
- Associate Professor Alan Ng Wei Keong - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
- Dr Wong En Shen Daniel - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
- Ms Lim Bee Khim Brenda - NHG Outstanding Citizenship (OC) Award
- Ms Hnin Nwe Oo - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
2018- Dr Chan Wai Lim William - NHG Distinguished Achievement (DA) Award
- Associate Professor Chiam Peak Chiang - NHG Distinguished Senior Clinician Award (DSCA)
- Dr Chan Monica - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
2017- Ms Tan Siew Khoon Heidi - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
- Dr Ng Wei Liang David - NHG Young Achiever Award (YA)
2016- Associate Professor Tham Kum Ying - NHG Distinguished Achievement Award
- Dr Darren Seah - NHG Young Achiever Award
2015- Associate Professor Alan Ng Wei Keong - NHG Distinguished Achievement (DA) Award
- Associate Professor Vijayan Appasamy - NHG Distinguished Achievement (DA) Award (posthumous)
- Associate Professor Chua Sze Hon - NHG Outstanding Citizenship (OC) Award
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Tan Tock Seng Hospital Medical Teaching Awards
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Medical Teaching Awards
The Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Medical Teaching Awards consists of three categories of awards that recognises doctors across different specialties and seniority who have exemplified passion, exemplary teaching effectiveness and pursuit of excellence in teaching undergraduate medical students, and residents.
Best Teacher Award – Introduced in 1999 under the then Associate Dean's Office (now known as TTSH Pre-Professional Education Office), the best teacher award (senior category) is presented to senior clinicians - senior consultants and consultants, for receiving the highest teaching scores in the academic year. The best teacher award (junior category) was subsequently introduced in 2000 to recognise junior clinicians – associate consultants, senior residents, resident physicians, and service senior residents.
Top Twenty Teacher Award – Introduced in 2006 to complement the Best Teacher Award, the Top 20 Teacher Award (previously known as Top Ten Teachers Award), recognises the Top 20 clinician educators from the Divisions of Medicine and Integrative & Community Care, and the Divisions of Surgery and Ambulatory & Diagnostic Medicine, for their dedication to teaching.
Post-Graduate Year 1 Award – Introduced in 2010 by NHG Residency, this annual award (previously known as the NHG Teaching Awards for PGY1) is presented to Post-Graduate Year 1s (PGY1) for their efforts in teaching, guiding, and sharing their knowledge with undergraduate medical students.
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Tan Tock Seng Hospital Nursing Preceptor Awards
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Nursing Preceptor Awards
TTSH Nursing Preceptor Awards recognises exemplary preceptors who
support and inspire new nurses and/or nursing students to grow and learn
professionally. These preceptors dedicate considerable time to guide
new nurses and/or students, and provide them with learning opportunities
to ensure that they are equipped with skills to become competent
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Yishun Health Campus Teachers' Appreciation Day Awards
Yishun Health Campus Teachers' Appreciation Day Aw...
This award recognises the efforts and dedication of Yishun Health Campus educators in training their learners.
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National and Local Awards
National Day Awards
National Day Awards
The Singapore National Day Awards are a means of recognising various forms of merit and service to Singapore.
- Mr Chong Chun Meng, Principal Radiographer Radiography Services (National Healthcare Group Diagnostics) - The Commendation Medal
- Ms Serene Goh Kar Keow, Director (Group Clinical Education) - Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
- Ms Melody Kuan Lijing, Senior Executive (Group Clinical Education) - The Efficiency Medal
- Associate Professor Sim Kang, Assistant Chairman Medical Board (Education) and Chairman Medical Board, Institute of Mental Health - Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
- Professor Chin Jing Jih, Chairman Medical Board, Tan Tock Seng Hospital - Public Administration Medal (Silver)
- Ms Teo Shumei Michelle, Assistant Director (NHG Education) – The Commendation Medal
- Ms Selvia Kosim, Manager (NHG Education) – Efficiency Medal
- Ms Lim Jia Jia Kathy, Senior Executive (NHG Education) - Efficiency Medal
2020 - Ms Yvonne Ng, Senior Director (NHG Education) and Executive Director (NHG College) – Public Administration Medal (Bronze)
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National Medical Excellence Awards
National Medical Excellence Awards
National Medical Excellence Awards is a national award that recognises the efforts of outstanding clinicians, clinician scientists and other healthcare professionals for their contributions in advancing healthcare, improving the standards of patient safety and quality of care which ultimately improve people's lives. 20202017
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National Medical Research Council Awards
National Medical Research Council Awards
National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Resident AwardThe National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Resident Award is awarded by the National Medical Research Council. The annual award honours and recognises medical residents who excelled in clinical training, and have made significant research contributions with actual or potential clinical translational applications to improve clinical care. 2020- Dr Xu Chuanhui, Senior Resident (Clinician-Scientist Track), NHG Rheumatology Residency Programme
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Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Awards
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Awards
NTU Nanyang Education AwardThis award recognises the dedication and achievements of NTU faculty who displayed teaching excellence and have enriched their students' learning experiences.
- Associate Professor Tham Kum Ying - NTU Nanyang Education Award (University) – Gold
- Associate Professor Koh Nien Yue - NTU Nanyang Education Award (College)
- Associate Professor Mary Wong Fong Mun - NTU Nanyang Education Award (School)
20212018 2015
NTU Certificate of Honour for Inspirational MentorshipThe NTU Certificate of Honour for Inspirational Mentorship recognises the dedication and contributions of teaching faculty who have inspired and provided youths with an outstanding holistic education. The award is nominated by graduating NTU students who received the NTU Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award. The teaching faculty whom the students would like to honour can be from their former junior college, polytechnic (or equivalent institution) and university.
2021- Associate Professor Koh Nien Yue
- Associate Professor Yip Chee Chew
2020- Associate Professor Wong Teck Yee
- Associate Professor Tham Kum Ying
- Adjunct Associate Professor Wong Fong Mun Mary
NTU LKCMedicine Special Recognition Award
The Nanyang Technological University Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Special Recognition Award recognises medical clinicians and departments that have made outstanding contributions in teaching, research supervision and supporting the student experience.
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National University of Singapore (NUS) Awards
National University of Singapore (NUS) Awards
NUS Medicine Appreciation for Clinical Educators (NUSMedACE) AwardsThe National University of Singapore Medicine Appreciation for Clinical Educators Awards (NUSMedACE), previously known as NUS Dean's Appreciation Awards, honour both individuals and departments who have exhibited excellence in training and mentorship to NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine undergraduates.
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President’s Award for Nurses
President’s Award for Nurses
This national award is the highest accolade in Singapore's nursing profession. It recognises nurses who have shown sustained outstanding performance and contributions to patient care delivery, education, research, and administration.
- Mr Aziz Bin Ab Hamed, Senior Nurse Clinician, Institute of Mental Health
The Straits Times, 27 July 2022: Nurse who helped patients adapt to life outside IMH among 6 President's Award winners
2020Woodlands Health Facebook, 30 Jul 2020: Ms Kala D/O Narayanasamy's story
20192018- Ms Ang Ching Ching, Advanced Practice Nurse & Senior Nurse Clinician, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
The Straits Times, 26 Jul 2019: Lauded for their Valuable Contributions to Nursing
201720162015- Ms Pua Lay Hoon, Deputy Director of Nursing (Education and Practice), Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Ms Velusamy Poomkothammal, Assistant Director of Nursing, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
2014- Mr Yong Keng Kwang, Director of Nursing, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Mdm Sim Lai Kiow, Nurse Clinician, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
2013- Ms Jasmine Kang, Advanced Practice Nurse, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
2012- Ms Poh Chee Lien, Assistant Director (Nursing and Education), Institute of Mental Health
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Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists
Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists
Inspiring Occupational Therapist AwardThis award recognises Occupational Therapists (OT) who demonstrates a variety of skills that enables him/her to not only uphold exemplary professional standards as an OT role model, but also to influence the health and social care innovation landscape through strategic leadership locally and/or internationally, and across professional boundaries.
2019 Inspiring Clinical Supervisor AwardThis award recognises clinical educators who have been nominated by their students based on the characteristics of being an excellent role model, teacher and having passion and commitment towards teaching.
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SkillsFuture Fellowships Award
SkillsFuture Fellowships Award
This award recognises individuals who exhibited skills mastery, mentorship qualities and the professional development of others in their respective fields.
2020 - Ms Florence Cheong Wai Fong, Senior Principal Occupational Therapist and Head of Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital 2019 - Ms Tan Siew Khoon, Heidi, Senior Principal Occupational Therapist, Tan Tock Seng Hospital 2018 - Ms Seow Yee Ling, Mavis, Deputy Head, Psychology/Principal Clinical Psychologist, Institute of Mental Health 2017 - Ms Lee Lee Sian, Senior Occupational Therapist, Clinical Educator Lead, Institute of Mental Health
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Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education International (ACGME-I)
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educati...
ACGME-I AwardsThe ACGME-I awards honours designated institutional officials (DIOs), programme directors, coordinators, residents, and sponsoring institutions for their outstanding work and contributions towards graduate medical education.
2021- Dr Faith Chia, Designated Institutional Official, NHG Residency (Physician Leader)
- Dr Llewellyn Lee, Programme Director, NHG Ophthalmology Residency Programme (Physician Educator)
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Association for Medical Education in Europe
Association for Medical Education in Europe
Associate FellowThe Associate Fellowship awarded by the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) recognises members of AMEE who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to medical or health professions education through scholarly contributions to the field. 2015 - Associate Professor Lim Wee Shiong, Senior Consultant (Department of Geriatric Medicine), Tan Tock Seng Hospital
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