All applications to medical residency programmes in Singapore are centrally coordinated by MOH Holdings Pte Ltd (MOHH). To participate in residency application, you will need to be offered employment by MOHH. For more information on the eligibility criteria, application timeline and process, please visit
MOHH's website.
Graduates of Singapore medical schools and those with primary medical qualifications registrable under the Medical Registration Act (First Schedule) are eligible to apply to the residency programme. Graduates from overseas universities must secure an offer of employment as a doctor with MOHH first. If you are an overseas graduand or graduate and require more information, please email
[email protected]. General information on residency training programmes in Singapore, including the Clinician Scientist programme, can be found on
Ministry of Health's website. If you are keen in any of our residency programmes, kindly email the respective Programme Directors. Their contact details are available on the residency programme pages.
Application for July 2025 Residency Intake
Applicants are to submit application and portfolio online through MOHH eResidency portal, and apply for Programme interviews directly with the Sponsoring Institution (SI).
For information on application through MOHH eResidency portal, please visit MOHH's website.
To apply for Programme interviews with NHG Residency, applicants must register at this link: https://for.sg/register-ay25nhgresidencyinterviews

- The NHG Residency Programme interviews registration link will be accessible from 1 September until 30 September 2024.
- Applicants who did not register through the link by 30 September 2024 can email the respective Programme Coordinator(s) to enquire if interview slots are still available.
- Applicants are to apply only for interview(s) with programme(s) that they have submitted in the application to MOHH. All interview requests for other programmes not in MOHH application will be considered invalid.
- Actual interview date may differ from applicants' preference due to final number of interview applications received. The Programme Coordinator will contact applicants to confirm interview details.
For general enquiries, please contact:
[email protected]

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