Introduction Message
Palliative Medicine Residency Programme is designed to develop residents into competent Palliative Care specialists adept at the 'science and art of medicine' – the science of knowing how to assess and manage complex symptoms, balanced with the art of skilful and sensitive communication with patients and families with life-limiting illnesses.
This is an integrated programme which accepts residents from all 3 healthcare clusters (now known as "training clusters" under the integrated programme) as well as accredited training sites from the community (inpatient hospice palliative care services (IHPCS) and home care services).
The Palliative Medicine Residency Programme is a collaborative effort of all the training clusters. National Healthcare Group (NHG) is the appointed administrative centre for this programme and has the additional responsibility of providing oversight and administrative support for training matters for all Palliative Medicine residents in Singapore.
Commencing as a residency programme in July 2024, new residents will be enrolled under the Singapore Integrated Programme (SGIP) for Palliative Medicine with National Healthcare Group (NHG) as the administrative centre.
Our Programme
Palliative Medicine Residency will be a 2-year programme for residents who had completed Advanced Internal Medicine / Geriatric Medicine / Medical Oncology / Paediatric residency training.
It will be 3-year programme for applicants who had acquired Master of Medicine in Family Medicine and residents who had completed Family Medicine Residency Programme.
In collaboration with:
- Singapore Health Services (Singhealth)
- National University Health System (NUHS)
Programme Faculty
Programme Director
Associate Professor Koh Nien Yue
Senior Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Associate Programme Directors
- Clinical Assistant Professor Ong Wah Ying
Senior Consultant, National Cancer Centre
- Adjunct Associate Professor Poi Choo Hwee
Senior Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) Chair
Associate Professor Alethea Yee
Senior Consultant, National Cancer Centre
Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) Chair
Clinical Professor Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna
Senior Consultant, National Cancer Centre
Programme Evaluation Committee (PEC) Chair
Adjunct Associate Professor Mervyn Koh
Medical Director, Dover Park Hospice