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Family Medicine

​​​NHG Family Medicine Residency Programme

Resident's Talk

“I find FM fulfilling because of the meaningful longitudinal relationships we can build with our patients and the holistic care we can provide in the community setting for their medical and psychosocial needs. “


NHG Family Medicine places an unwavering emphasis on excellence in training and patient care. The faculty members are not only highly skilled and experienced but also incredibly passionate about their roles as mentors and educators. Their commitment to nurturing the next generation of family physicians is evident in every interaction, as they provide unwavering support, guidance, and encouragement.

The curriculum is comprehensive and well-structured. It covers a wide range of medical specialties and ensures a solid foundation in primary care. The rotations in various clinical settings expose us to diverse patient populations, allowing us to develop a well-rounded understanding of the challenges and nuances of family medicine. The program also emphasizes the importance of evidence-based practice, research, and continuous learning, equipping us with the tools to stay updated with the latest advancements in healthcare.

Being part of the program has been an incredible journey of growth, learning, and personal development. The program's commitment to excellence, comprehensive curriculum, and emphasis on holistic patient care prepares us to be competent and compassionate family physicians."

Dr Eleanor Woon, R3, 2024

"Our polyclinic mentors are incredibly dedicated to our growth as doctors, not only in terms of growing our medical knowledge but also in helping us acquire soft skills to better patient care. The exposure to different subspecialties as part of the curriculum is also invaluable in building our future competence and confidence as well-rounded family physicians"

Dr Laura Tan, R3, 2024

“The NHG Family Medicine residency programme is exceptional, preparing residents to become well-rounded Family Physicians with its dedicated mentors, immersive curriculum, and supportive environment to provide excellent primary care for Singapore."

Dr Cheong Nian Kai, R2, 2024

he NHG Family Medicine residency training program is robust and adaptive to ensure we get both depth and breadth of exposure in primary and tertiary healthcare settings. However, the real asset of the residency is in its people. This is a program worth going through because we are closely mentored by tutors and seniors who genuinely care about training us to become competent yet empathetic family physicians to care for a population worth serving and giving our best for."

Dr Jonathan Kit Ray Chet, R2, 2024

“I have found the re
sidency program to be immensely rewarding and enjoyable so far. Not only does it emphasise on rigorous and in-depth understanding of many varied conditions, there is also strong emphasis on putting patient's care and comfort first. Furthermore, the faculty's supportive and approachable nature, alongside a cohort of like-minded residents passionate about collaborative learning, significantly enriches my experience. I am constantly inspired by everyone's genuine intention to help, which provides reassurance through the most challenging days."

Pereira Emma Marie-Pamerlyn, R2, 2024