Respiratory medicine is the study of physiology and the diseases that affects it, which includes airway to lung parenchyma diseases, cancer, infective diseases, and inflammatory and vasculitic processes. The training includes the interpretation of lung function, pathology, clinical implications, and management.
Respiratory Medicine is a specialty that involves respiratory and intensive care medicine. Thus, the resident will be exposed in managing patients not only in the wards and clinics, but also in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU), the Medical High Dependency Unit (MHDU), and the Non-Invasive Ventilation Unit (NIVU). Further training will be at the respiratory physiology laboratory, and sleep medicine laboratory. The resident will also get opportunities to be trained in flexible fibre-optic bronchoscopy, interventional bronchoscopy, pleuroscopy, and other pleural procedures.
A large proportion of investigations, diagnosis, and management of patients are performed as outpatient. The resident will have strict supervision and monitoring of his/her clinical practice. He/she will also have subspecialty respiratory medicine training at our dedicated clinics on asthma, COPD, lung nodule, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, and tuberculosis.
Research stands at the forefront of medicine. Therefore, it will play an important part in the resident's training. He/she will also have the opportunity to be involved in clinical trials and will receive supervision and support from our dedicated faculty.
The training curriculum encompasses various aspects of Respiratory Medicine:
- Medical Intensive Care Unit
- Respiratory Care
- Pulmonary Function and Sleep Medicine
- Ambulatory Clinics
- Procedural and Technical Skills
- Interventional Bronchoscopy
- Laboratory and Imaging
- Research
In each facet of Respiratory Medicine, the resident will be trained accordingly in:
- Disease management, evaluation, and management
- Procedures and technical skills
- Knowledge demonstration
- Management skills
Our programme is fully accredited by the ACGME-I (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education International) and complies with its Foundational and Advanced Specialty Requirements.
A sample rotation chart for one of our residents is illustrated below.

There are opportunities for the resident to pursue a clinician-scientist career in the future.